Feedback and Complaints


29 March 2021

We welcome your comments, feedback and complaints about our work. These help us improve. We are committed to resolving your complaint as soon as we can.  

We want to resolve dissatisfaction at the earliest opportunity and where a problem occurs we want to prevent it from happening again. 

How we handle complaints   

Our complaints handling procedure gives more information about how to make a complaint and how we will respond.

Read 'What happens to your complaint'

How to give us your feedback or make a complaint  

If you would like to comment, complain or make a suggestion please get in touch or use our feedback and complaints form. 

Feedback and complaints form

Read our organisation learning from complaints about us for a summary of complaints we received, what we did and what we learned.

How to complain about a social landlord such as a housing association or council

Find out more about how to complain about a landlord. You can also watch our short video about how to make a complaint about a landlord. 

We do not regulate private landlords. If you want to make a complaint about a private landlord, please contact your local council. You can also contact Citizens Advice Bureau or Shelter Scotland for advice.

How to complain about one of our Board members

If you wish to complain about one of our Board members, please contact the Ethical Standards Commissioner, using the contact details below.

Ethical Standards Commissioner

Thistle House 

91 Haymarket Terrace 


EH12 5HE

0300 011 0550 

Read our Board’s code of conduct

Find out more about us, how we work & information of tenants