For tenants
Information for social housing tenants, people who are homeless, factored owners and Gypsy/Travellers.
Find out about your landord
Find out about and compare your landlord's performance.
How we regulate
Find out how we regulate social landlords in Scotland.
Complain about a landlord
Find out how to make a complaint about your landlord.
How we include tenants and service users
Find out more about how SHR includes tenants and service users its work.
Watch our videos for tenants and service users
Watch our videos to find out how more about us and what we do and how to raise a concern about your landlord.
Read our factsheets for tenants
Read our factsheets for tenants on how to complain about a landlord or report serious concerns.

Join the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users
We work directly with a panel of more than 400 tenants and service users. It's one of the ways we find out what matters most and help us focus on the important things.
Find out more