Advice for local authorities on the importance of tenant and resident safety - 22 October 2019


22 October 2019


22 October 2019

Advice for local authorities on the importance of tenant and resident safety

Dear colleague,

Tenant and Resident Safety

I am writing to you to inform you of some matters affecting the safety or tenants and residents that have come to our attention in the course of our work.

We are engaging with a number of registered social landlords who have been unable to demonstrate that they are meeting tenant and resident safety requirements such as the management of asbestos and electrical safety. The governing bodies of these landlords did not get or seek appropriate assurance that their organisation was meeting its legal duties on tenant and resident safety.

We are writing to all social landlords today to emphasise the importance of obtaining appropriate assurance that they are meeting all duties on tenant and resident safety and that they take prompt action to address any non-compliance.

If you have any questions about this please contact the lead regulator for your organisation or contact us.

Yours Sincerely,


Ian Brennan 

Director of Regulation 

PDF 44KB scottish-housing-regulator-letter-to-all-local-authorities-tenant-and-resident-safety-22-october-2019.pdf
