National Panel of Tenants and Service Users - Year 5 - March 2018
Read the findings from year five of the National Panel for an insight into people's experiences of using homelessness services.
Updated 25 June 2018 Corporate publications
Housing people who are homeless in Glasgow
We review how effectively Glasgow City Council and registered social landlords (RSLs) work to secure homes for people who are homeless. Read our findings.
Updated 29 March 2018 National reports
Summary of the findings of our analysis of RSL finances 2018
Our annual analysis of RSLs’ finances which shows that the sector continued to deliver a strong financial performance. Read our short, summary report to get the highlights.
Updated 26 March 2018 National reports
Technical analysis of RSL finances 2018
Our technical analysis on the of the financial health of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).
Updated 26 March 2018 National reports
Statutory intervention at Molendinar Park Housing Association
Find out more about our statutory intervention at Molendinar Park Housing Association.
Updated 23 March 2018 National reports
Meeting the Scottish Social Housing Standards at Gypsy/Travellers sites in Scotland
We report on the importance of social landlords meeting the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter for Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland. Read our report.
Updated 05 March 2018 National reports
Repairs Services in Scotland
We look at how landlords are carrying out repairs and assesses that performance against the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter. Read our report on the findings.
Updated 15 February 2018 National reports
Gas and tenant safety in social housing in Scotland
We examine how how social landlords are meeting their annual gas safety duties for tenants across Scotland who use gas in their homes. Read our report on the findings.
Updated 07 December 2017 National reports
Review of factoring services in Scotland
A summary of the findings of our national survey of almost 200 social landlords on how they deliver factoring services.
Updated 29 November 2017 National reports
Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17
Updated 02 October 2017 Corporate publications