Some registered social landlords (RSLs) would present more significant challenges if they experienced business failure, for example because of how many tenants they provide homes for or the size of the debt they have. We consider these RSLs to have systemic importance and we may ask them for more information and assurance. The information we ask for will be set out in the landlord's engagement plan.
Systemically important RSLs
- Albyn Housing Society Ltd
- Argyll Community Housing Association Ltd
- Bield Housing and Care
- Caledonia Housing Association Ltd
- Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association Ltd (trading as Places for People Scotland Ltd)
- Clyde Valley Housing Association Ltd
- Cunninghame Housing Association Ltd
- Grampian Housing Association Ltd
- Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association Ltd
- Hebridean Housing Partnership Ltd
- Hillcrest Housing Association Ltd
- Home in Scotland Ltd
- Key Housing Association Ltd
- Kingdom Housing Association Ltd
- Link Group Ltd
- North Glasgow Housing Association Ltd (trading as ngHomes)
- River Clyde Homes Ltd
- Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association Ltd
- Scottish Borders Housing Association Ltd
- Wheatley Housing Group (including Wheatley Homes South Ltd, Wheatley Homes East Ltd, Wheatley Homes Glasgow Ltd, Loretto Housing Association Ltd)