Why we are engaging with Perth & Kinross Council (Perth & Kinross)
We are engaging with Perth & Kinross about its services for people who are homeless, its sites for Gypsy/Travellers and a Serious Concern involving its management of its Gypsy/Traveller sites.
During 2024/25, we reviewed and compared the data for all local authorities from the Scottish Government’s national homelessness statistics. We also spoke to all local authorities to gather further information and assurance about their homelessness services. To assess the risks to people who are threatened with or experiencing homelessness we will engage with all local authorities during 2025/26 with a focus on the provision of appropriate temporary accommodation.
All social landlords who provide Gypsy/Travellers sites must ensure their sites meet the Scottish Government’s Minimum Site Standards and all standards and outcomes in the Scottish Government’s Scottish Social Housing Charter. To gather further information and assurance, we will speak to all site providers during 2025/26 to discuss the management of their sites.
In November 2024, the residents of the Double Dykes and Bobbin Mill Gypsy/Traveller Sites contacted us setting out their concerns about their landlord, Perth & Kinross. We considered this under our Serious Concerns process and investigated the residents’ concerns.
Double Dykes Gypsy/Traveller Site
The issues raised by residents included concerns about the standard of their homes, problems with repairs and maintenance, issues with resident safety and Perth & Kinross’ approach to communication and engagement.
We met with residents and visited the site. We reviewed the information provided to us by the residents and engaged with Perth & Kinross about the concerns raised. We considered the information and found Perth & Kinross had not met the minimum site standards for Gypsy/Traveller sites specifically:
Standard 1 – Essential Fabric Standards
Standard 4 – Safety and Security
Standard 5 – Maintenance and Repairs
Standard 6 – Fair Treatment
Standard 7 – Consultation
We also found that the Council had failed to meet its obligations under a number of the Scottish Social Housing Charter outcomes and standards specifically:
Charter Outcome 1 – Equalities
Charter Outcome 2 – Communication
Charter Outcome 3 – Participation
Charter Outcome 5 – Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements
Charter Outcome 16 – Gypsy/Travellers
Perth & Kinross is progressing modernisation and improvement works which include plans to replace residents’ accommodation and other upgrades on the site. It will receive public subsidy from Scottish Government to help it achieve this.
Bobbin Mill Gypsy/Traveller Site
The issues raised by residents included concerns about the standard of their homes, problems with repairs and maintenance, issues with resident safety and Perth & Kinross’ approach to communication and engagement.
We met with residents and visited the site. We reviewed the information provided to us by the residents and engaged with Perth & Kinross about the concerns raised. We considered the information and found Perth & Kinross had not met the minimum site standards for Gypsy/Traveller sites specifically:
Standard 1 – Essential Fabric Standards
Standard 2 – Energy Efficiency
Standard 4 – Safety and Security
Standard 7 – Consultation
We also found that the Council had failed to meet its obligations under a number of the Scottish Social Housing Charter outcomes and standards specifically:
Charter Outcome 1 – Equalities
Charter Outcome 2 – Communication
Charter Outcome 3 – Participation
Charter Outcome 5 – Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements
Charter Outcome 16 – Gypsy/Travellers
Perth & Kinross has plans to carry out a feasibility study to identify future potential improvements to the site.
We will engage with Perth & Kinross to seek assurance it is urgently addressing these serious issues at both sites. We will also engage with the residents of Double Dykes and Bobbin Mill quarterly to get their feedback on the improvements as they are being delivered.
Perth & Kinross is engaging constructively and openly with us.
What Perth & Kinross must do
Perth & Kinross must:
- send us the information we require in relation to its homelessness service;
- tell us about any emerging issues preventing it from fulfilling its statutory duty to provide temporary accommodation when it should and comply with the Unsuitable Accommodation Order; and
- send us the information we require in relation to the management of its Gypsy/Traveller sites.
Pert & Kinross must also:
Double Dykes Gypsy/Traveller Site
- provide us with the assurance we require on its plans to achieve Minimum Site Standards and meet its Charter Obligations;
- provide us with assurance that it is prioritising the completion of the planned modernisation and improvement works at the site including providing a timescale and action plan;
- provide quarterly updates on progress with the completion of the modernisation and improvement works at the site, including how it is engaging with residents; and
- tell us about any delays to the modernisation and improvement works.
Bobbin Mill Gypsy/Traveller Site
- provide us with the assurance we require on its plans to achieve Minimum Site Standards and meet its Charter Obligations;
- provide us with its plans to complete a feasibility study for the site including how it is consulting and engaging with residents and share the outcomes with us; and
- tell us its plans to progress the outcomes of the feasibility study and its timescales for this.
What we will do
We will:
- meet with Perth & Kinross to discuss its homelessness service and decide whether we require any additional assurance;
- meet with Perth & Kinross to seek assurance if it does not provide temporary accommodation when it should, or if it breaches the Unsuitable Accommodation Order;
- meet with Perth & Kinross to discuss the management of its Gypsy/Traveller sites;
- consider the plans to address how Perth & Kinross will achieve Minimum Site Standards and its Charter Obligations at both of its Gypsy/Traveller sites and engage as necessary;
- consider the information it provides on prioritising the completion of the modernisation and improvement works at Double Dykes including its timescale and action plan to achieve this and engage as necessary;
- consider the quarterly updates on the completion of the modernisation and improvement works at Double Dykes site and engage as necessary. This should include how Perth & Kinross is engaging with residents;
- consider the plans to complete a feasibility study for the Bobbin Mill site and how it is consulting and engaging with residents and engage as necessary;
- consider the plans to progress the outcomes of the feasibility study including its timescales for this and engage as necessary;
- meet the residents of Double Dykes and Bobbin Mill on a quarterly basis to consider their perspective on the improvements as they are being delivered; and
- update our published engagement plan in the light of any material change to our planned engagement with Perth & Kinross.
Regulatory Returns
Perth & Kinross must provide us with the following annual regulatory returns:
- Annual Assurance Statement; and
- Annual Return on the Charter.
It should also notify us of any material changes to its Annual Assurance Statement, and any tenant and resident safety matter which has been reported to or is being investigated by the Health and Safety Executive or reports from regulatory or statutory authorities or insurance providers, relating to safety concerns.