The Regional Network SHR Liaison Group - minutes - 29 October 2024


05 February 2025

TTS Attendees

In person: Shona Gorman (SG); Margaret Dymond (MD); John Duffy (JD); Scott MacLeod (SM)

Virtual: June Anderson (JA); Liz Richardson (LR)

SHR Attendees

Kelda McMichael (KM - Chair); Caroline Cameron-Russell (CCR - secretariat); Helen Trouten Torres (HTT – observer)

Items 1-4 only: Michael Cameron (MC – Chief Executive); George Walker (GW - SHR Board Chair)


1.  Welcome and Introductions 

KM welcomed Liaison Group members to the meeting and advised that, as previously discussed with the Group, Michael Cameron, SHR Chief Executive and George Walker, SHR Board Chair were attending for a question-and-answer session with the group. Helen Trouten Torres was also in attendance as an observer in her role as an SHR Board member. 

2.  Declarations of Interest 

Margaret Dymond - TPAS Board member

Scott Macleod – Albyn Housing Association Board member

Shona Gorman – Link Housing Association Board member

June Anderson – Paragon Housing Association Board Member 

3.  Minutes of previous meeting (30 July 2024) 

The minute of the last meeting was accepted with one small amendment.

KM also provided an update on a query LR had made at the last meeting related to UN Convention on Rights of a Child (UNCRC) Act in relation to damp and mould and impact on children, this had been provided by Linda McKenna, the SHR Regulation Manager leading on implementation of the UNCRC within SHR.   

4.  Question and Answer Session

The Group welcomed Michael Cameron (SHR Chief Executive) and George Walker (SHR Board Chair) to the meeting. The group asked MC and GW a series of questions covering a range of topics that generated discussion amongst the group. The main talking points were:

  • SHR’s role in the housing emergency
  • SHR’s ability to meet objectives against financial uncertainty
  • SHR’s role in supporting Local Authorities to meet housing targets
  • SHR’s engagement with Landlords who have identified RAAC and role in ensuring owners are treated fairly
  • SHR’s assessment and verification of tenants’ reports of serious concerns and landlords’ responses
  • SHR’s role in monitoring unsuitable homes for older persons and individuals with disabilities
  • SHR’s role in verification of charter and satisfaction data submitted by landlords
  • GW’s tenure and achievements as SHR Board Chair

5.  Tenants Together Scotland (TTS) Update

SG updated that work was progressing well in terms of the practicalities of the rebranding exercise that Tenants Together Scotland (TTS) were undertaking. This includes the member application process, code of conduct and use of technology.

TTS have also been involved in input into the Covid enquiry, have provided a response to the LGHP scrutiny on SHR and the Scottish Government’s fuel poverty work, as well as speaking at events such as the TPAS conference and at the STEN (Scottish Tenants Engagement Network), with future speaking engagements planned. This includes SG attending an SHR Board meeting in January to present on the rebrand and what it means going forward.

KM updated that as the group had now agreed the draft Terms of Reference (TOR), the next meeting would officially be a Tenants Together Scotland SHR Liaison Group meeting. As agreed with the group, the new TOR states that an SHR Board member would Chair the liaison group meetings and the TOR will be reviewed again in January 2026. The TOR has been tabled for discussion at the SHR Board of 6 November 2024 where it would be agreed which SHR board member would become liaison group Chair. KM added that SHR were looking forward to continuing the collaborative work with TTS.

6.  National Report on the Scottish Social Housing Charter

The group were provided a verbal presentation on the national report, a visual presentation had also been planned, unfortunately due to technical difficulties this was not possible. KM committed to sending the slides to SG post meeting to ensure all could view these. The update covered the various sections of the National Report with a comparison on 2022/23 sector wide performance against 2023/24 in relation to:

Homes – empty homes and lettings

Rents – average weekly rents, rent increases and rent arrears

Maintenance and investment – repairs, investment, SHQS and tenant & resident safety

Homelessness – key homelessness statistics and performance

Other service users – Gypsy/Travellers satisfaction and factored owners' satisfaction

SM pointed out that the presentation highlighted the desperate state of housing today and noted the difficult circumstances in which housing and homelessness staff find themselves in. JA added the removal of winter fuel payments was an additional concern for tenants.

 Post meeting note – KM sent slides to SG for distribution 

7.  SHR updates 

KM provided updates on:

i.  Thematic review of social landlords’ annual assurance statements

At the end of July SHR published the findings from its thematic review of how social landlords assure themselves about their compliance with regulatory requirements, and how this helps them to inform their Annual Assurance Statements.   

ii.  Thematic review of British Sign Language (BSL)

In mid-September 2024 SHR published a report on our thematic inquiry into British Sign Language (BSL) users’ access to social landlords’ housing and homelessness services. SHR carried out the thematic inquiry as part of its BSL plan to promote BSL to the organisations it regulates.

iii.  ARC Consultation

The group have been involved in the pre-consultation process and received a presentation from Helen Shaw, Nicola Harcus and CCR at the last meeting (30 July 2024). SHR are carrying out a formal consultation on proposed changes to the indicators that measure performance against the outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter for each Social Landlord across Scotland. These proposed changes were published for consultation on 16 September and CCR alerted the group to this at the time. Group members are encouraged to provide an input by the consultation end date of 8 November.

iv.  Engagement Plans 

KM noted that there had been changes to four engagement plans since the group last met. These related to Calvay Housing Association, West Granton Housing Co-operative, Knowes Housing Association and North View Housing Association.

v.  Tenant Advisors and National Panel

Tenant Advisors – the next tenant advisor exercise will be a review of Landlords’ websites for accessibility of documents.

National Panel – following publication of the National Panel Report in July, SHR will shortly commence planning for the next programme of work for the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users.  This will be managed by the contractor, Engage, and the outputs of this work will be published in the next Panel Report in summer 2025. Group members asked if there would be an opportunity to provide feedback on the plans for topics, KM said that she would look into this.

Post meeting note – KM provided information on National Panel topics and requested views by 05 November

vi.  Tenant Participation and Gypsy/Traveller Thematic

KM updated the group that the Thematic would be published during the week commencing 04 November 2024. KM provided a verbal update on the headline findings but added that the group would discuss the content of the report and findings in detail at the next meeting given the group’s interest in the subject.

vii.  SHR board updates

KM updated that since the group last met, the SHR Board met In August, September and October. She provided a summary of these meetings for the group. 

KM further updated that SHR had welcomed a new Board member, Dr Abhishek Agarwa. Following a competitive process, Scottish Ministers appointed Abhi to join the SHR Board from 1 October 2024.

viii.  Recent and upcoming publications and events

  • SHR have carried out an analysis of RSLs’ annual loan portfolio returns, which set out their borrowing and funding arrangements.
  • On 11 October SHR published its Annual report and accounts for 2023/24.
  • MC, Chief Executive will speak at the TIS conference that is being held 7-8 November
  • SHR will publish Annual Assurance statements during November
  • Helen Shaw, SHR Director of Regulation will be speaking at the SFHA Finance conference 12 November and the Housemark leadership forum in early December
  • Nicola Harcus, Assistant Director of Regulation will speak at the Scottish Health and Safety Network conference on 20 November
  • Towards the end of November SHR will publish a summary of risks that it will focus on in the next annual risk assessment.
  • SHR will publish its response to the ARC consultation in mid-December
  • GW & MC will appear at the Local Government Housing and Planning Committee mid-December. Here, they will discuss and take questions on SHR’s annual report and the scrutiny of SHR.

8.  Any other business  

There was no other business.

9.  Date of next meeting 

KM proposed the following dates:

  • Tue 4 Feb 2025
  • Tue 29 April 2025
  • Tue 19 August 2025
  • Tue 11 November 2025

It is proposed that the August meeting takes place in-person.

SG advised that she would consult with group members and the Scottish Government Tenant Participation Team to confirm if these dates are suitable.