For landlords
Guidance and advice for social landlords.
Annual Return on the Scottish Social Housing Charter: consultation outcome
Find out more about the outcome of our consultation on the Annual Return on the Charter.
Regulatory Framework
How we regulate social housing in Scotland.
Statutory guidance
Read our statutory guidance or mandatory guidance for social landlords in Scotland.
Advisory guidance
Advice for landlords or advisory guidance for landlords.
Submit data: what we need and when
How to send us information, what to send and by when.
Social landlord portal
Upload your data and communicate with us through our secure area for landlords and find out more about our social landlord portal user group.
Landlord directory
Find and compare landlord performance, read our engagement plans and see the public register of RSLs.
SHR’s Landlord Groups
Find out more about our landlord working groups.
Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) Advisory Groups
Find out more about our ARC advisory groups.