Scotland’s Registered Social Landlords’ (RSLs) aggregate financial performance remains robust and will help them to meet the many and significant challenges ahead. This is the key finding of a report published today by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
The Regulator’s report is the outcome of its national analysis of the finances of RSLs for the year 2020-21.
Shaun Keenan, Assistant Director of Financial Regulation, said:
“Our annual analysis shows RSLs’ finances remain robust.
“That said, the financial pressures on RSLs – and tenants – are significantly greater than in recent times and are only going to increase in the coming year. RSLs need to understand these risks and pressures and have adequate financial headroom that allows them to handle what is ahead. The biggest challenge will be to do this while keeping rents at a level tenants can afford”.
Read the National Analysis of the Finances of Registered Social Landlords
Notes to editors
- The Scottish Housing Regulator was established on 1 April 2011 under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010. Its objective is to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants and others who use local authority and RSL housing services. The Regulator operates independently of Scottish Ministers and is accountable directly to the Scottish Parliament. It assumed its full regulatory responsibilities on 1 April 2012. The Regulator consists of the Chair and eight board members. More information about the Regulator can be found on its website at
- SHR sets out how it regulates social landlords in its published framework – Regulation of Social Housing in Scotland.
- The Regulator’s previous reports on its analysis on the finances of RSLs are available on its website
- All of the statistical information the Regulator publishes on landlord finances is available on its website here: