RSLs forecast finances remaining robust, but landlords could face difficult trade-offs as finances tighten
18 December 2023
Regulator publishes updated engagement plan for Fife Housing Association
15 December 2023
Regulator publishes further update from Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) survey
11 December 2023
We’ve completed the de-registration of West Lothian Housing Partnership
07 December 2023
Regulator publishes updated engagement plan for North Glasgow Housing Association
07 December 2023
Regulator updates its thematic report on homelessness services in Scotland
04 December 2023
Regulator shares first information from Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) survey
04 December 2023
RSL financial statements for 2022/23 now available
29 November 2023
Regulator publishes a summary of the risks it will focus on in its annual risk assessment
28 November 2023