Regulator gives landlords fraud advice during Coronavirus pandemic
14 April 2020
Scottish Housing Regulator marks retirement of Deputy Chair Anne Jarvie CBE
07 April 2020
Regulator gives landlords cybersecurity advice during the Coronavirus pandemic
07 April 2020
SHR publishes updated Charter technical guidance and FAQs for landlords
31 March 2020
Regulator gives landlords more information on changes in response to Coronavirus
31 March 2020
Regulator sets out the risks it will focus on in its annual risk assessment
30 March 2020
Regulator makes immediate changes to its regulatory approach in response to Coronavirus
18 March 2020
Business update: staff working from home
17 March 2020
Regulator finds that landlords have engaged positively with the Annual Assurance Statement process
12 March 2020