Regulator directs transfer of homes from Thistle Housing Association to Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association
25 January 2021
Regulator publishes updated engagement plan for Charing Cross Housing Association
21 January 2021
Regulator’s report shows a reduction in the number of homeless applications and people in temporary accommodation, but higher rent arrears for local authority landlords
21 December 2020
Lender and investor appetite to fund registered social landlords remains strong, says Regulator
18 December 2020
Regulator publishes landlords’ latest Annual Assurance Statements
14 December 2020
Regulator writes to local authorities about homelessness services during the winter period
14 December 2020
Regulator informs landlords of temporary suspension of COVID-19 monthly return
07 December 2020
Housing Regulator publishes updated advice for RSL governing bodies during COVID-19
25 November 2020
Regulator publishes new information on Coronavirus impact on Scottish social landlords
23 November 2020