Scottish Ministers appoint Scottish Housing Regulator Chair and Board Members for a second term
11 June 2021
Join the Scottish Housing Regulator Board to help safeguard and promote tenants’ interests
02 June 2021
Scottish Housing Regulator sets out the information social landlords should submit in quarterly returns on impact of COVID-19
13 May 2021
Most RSLs have coped well over the last year with the short term financial impact of the pandemic and have maintained a strong aggregate financial position, says Regulator
07 May 2021
Regulator publishes its plans for 2021/22
05 May 2021
SHR reports on gender balance on its Board
30 April 2021
Find out about the Social Housing Resilience Group's Open Space platform to support landlords
30 April 2021
SHR publishes updated Technical Guidance FAQs to support landlords to make their Charter returns during COVID-19
30 April 2021
SHR updates advice for governing body members during COVID-19
30 April 2021