The financial performance of most registered social landlords remains strong, but landlords are facing unprecedented challenges, says Regulator
17 November 2021
Regulator publishes latest quarterly report on the impact of COVID-19 on social landlords
15 November 2021
Ian Brennan to leave the Regulator
09 November 2021
SHR publishes updated engagement plan for Glasgow West Housing Association
04 November 2021
Scottish Housing Regulator welcomes new board members
01 November 2021
Scottish Housing Regulator and Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator publish updated Memorandum of Understanding
29 October 2021
SHR publishes updated engagement plan for Charing Cross Housing Association
22 October 2021
SHR publishes information about how it uses its statutory intervention powers
12 October 2021
Housing regulator publishes the outcome of its statutory intervention at Arklet Housing Association
07 October 2021